Learning and Sharing With Friends, Neighbors, and Family

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The folks at Lick Skillet Farm created the nonprofit Lick Skillet Collective as a sister organization that aspires to a mission of connecting community with farms, healthy food, and environmentally-friendly lifestyle choices. Our hands-on workshops and events teach responsible husbandry, butchering, and preparing honest farm-to-fork food along with environmentally responsible lifestyle practices, all with a learn-by-doing approach. We offer a healthy, fun space for young and old to discover how food is raised, and how your choices can positively affect your environment and your community for years to come. 

Check out our workshops, and use our contact form to schedule a farm tour for a look behind the scenes at a real working farm, and let us know what YOU'D like to learn about in future classes!  We’re part of a national network of collectives all supported by the work of the Good Meat Project.